Business Domain Analytics

Business Domain Analytics

Technology today has advanced by leaps and bounds. It has made the entire world smaller and easier to reach, but it has also churned out data in enormous volumes. At present, there are 2.5 quintillion bytes of data that is created daily. Such data is useless until it is put in some order and analyzed. When it is so analyzed, it is likely to provide valuable insights for different areas of a business. It is here that data analytics comes to the fore. It is a vital tool in the hands of a business enterprise, and its potential areas of application are increasing rapidly.

What is Business Domain Analytics?

Business domain analytics includes analytics applied to business functionalities and processes. Let’s take a look at some features of business domain analytics
Why are they important_
Why are they important_

What is Business Domain Analytics?

Business domain analytics includes analytics applied to business functionalities and processes. Let’s take a look at some features of business domain analytics

Benefits for Business Domain Analytics

Improving the Customer Experience

Mitigating Risk Fraud

Personalization Service

Respond to customer requests grievances

Predict Future Challenges

Real time Forecasting and Monitoring

Business Domain Analytics in 2022

The industry giants – Microsoft, Google, IBM, Amazon, and Oracle – are still leading in the global analytics market shares. Microsoft, Amazon, and Oracle are additionally outperforming the market for all other vendors. However, it’s interesting to note that the battle among the top analytics vendors is not over “sophisticated algorithms,” but over Data Quality.

Our Business Domain Analytics offerings include

We work with companies across a wide variety of industry verticals to help them capitalize on the possibilities afforded by business analytics. We collaborate to deliver real-time analytics, business intelligence and assist them with governance, rick and compliance. We collect and analyze market information quickly, so that it yields relevant business insights at reduced costs. Our dedicated team of data scientists and analytics experts offer a full suite of customized business analytics solutions. They can help you to monitor your analytics, create dashboards and provide continuously-updated reports. This allows you and your stakeholders to make better business decisions. All you have to do is decide to contact us today.

Seamless-Cross-Platform-integrations-2-e1643890574854 Advertising Analytics

Demand Driven Scalability Risk analytics

Data Driven Decision Making 001 Data Driven Decision-Making

ENTERPRISE MOBILITY (1) Enterprise Mobility

SELF SERVICE ANALYTICS (1) Self-service Analytics

DATA SCIENCE AND MACHINE LEARNING (1) Data Science and Machine Learning

Have A Query?

Do you need a detailed consultation or feasibility study for this topic? Or it maybe you just want to exchange views and thoughts on this topic. Do get in touch with us and we would be glad to share a cup of coffee together and discuss this topic together.

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Have A Query?

Do you need a detailed consultation or feasibility study for this topic? Or it maybe you just want to exchange views and thoughts on this topic. Do get in touch with us and we would be glad to share a cup of coffee together and discuss this topic together.

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